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Graduate Students

The graduating students should:

  • Have developed an attitude regarding the practice of medicine which is both scientific and humanitarian and be endowed with the high ethical standards required of a doctor

  • Possess adequate knowledge of the structure, function and development of the human body

  • The development of human abilities and personality, and the disease processes and other development of the human body the development of human abilities and personality, and the disease processes and other factors which may impair normal function

  • Be able to relate clinical symptoms and signs to structural and functional changes so that the management of patients can be based on rational strategies and scientific knowledge

  • Be able to relate clinical symptoms and signs to structural and functional changes so that the management of patients can be based on rational strategies and scientific knowledge

  • Management of patients can be based on rational strategies and scientific knowledge

  • Have learned how to elicit facts from a patient through the use of effective communication skills. They should have a good knowledge of those diseases which are an acute danger to life and of the more common diseases. They should recognize the limitations of his/her own clinical knowledge and should be prepared, when necessary, to seek further help

  • Have learned how to deal with patients and their relatives with sympathy and understanding

  • Understand the effect of physical, social and cultural environment on health and appreciate the responsibility of his/her profession for health promotion and disease prevention

  • Know that any conclusions should be reached by logical deduction and be able to assess evidence both as to its reliability and to its relevance

  • Recognize that continuing education is an essential prerequisite for practice of high quality medicine, and that he/she has an obligation to remain a student and contribute to the progress of medicine throughout his/her professional career

  • Endeavour to remain abreast of the advancing frontiers of medical sciences and to apply these progressively in medical education, research and services in Kuwait. The academic staff in the Faculty is constituted by experienced and talented biomedical scientists who exhibit devotion and dedication in striving to achieve the mission of the Faculty of Medicine in the didactic, the laboratory, and the clinical settings. The Faculty of Medicine is committed to attain and maintain high standards in medical teaching and community health services and considers it vitally important that medical students, health professionals and the public mutually share the benefits of these opportunities.