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Obstetrics & Gynaecology


The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is guided by the universal philosophy of University Education. The interwoven components include teaching to impart knowledge and research in the pursuit of knowledge. Dissemination of knowledge in the form of contribution to national and international dialogue in health matters is a necessity that nurtures the growth of any society. This can also find expression in service orientation in the community. Research is pursued aggressively in areas such as maternal-fetal exchange of nutrients and drugs in health and disease states, other specialized disciplines as androgogy, gynaecological endocrinology, gynaecologic oncology and maternal-fetal medicine.

The department aims to be a model reputed research center in areas of reproductive endocrinology, maternal-fetal medicine and gynaecologic oncology in the years to come. With the introduction of the new PBL (problem-based learning) curriculum, the department is determined to contribute actively to the training of undergraduate medical students as competent physicians and researchers. The Department participates actively in the training of residents for the Kuwait Board of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

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