After almost thirty years the Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, has introduced a significant reform of its traditional curriculum; the first student enrolment in the New Curriculum being in 2005. Major changes have already taken place in the earlier phases of the curriculum and each clinical discipline has done its best to present a stimulating challenge to our students’ worthy of the strategies and philosophies of the New Curriculum.
We believe that our current Surgical Curriculum for the clinical students offers excellent teaching opportunities and prepares newly graduating doctors to have a smooth transition to be the integral part of the surgical team.
In our new surgical curriculum, the length of the surgical clerkship weeks are 11% less than the traditional curriculum: 32 weeks in New Curriculum (Year 5, 12 weeks; Year 6, 6 weeks; Year 7, 8+6 weeks) versus 36 weeks in the Traditional Curriculum (year 5, 18 weeks; year 7, 18 weeks). Meanwhile, the Department is committed to seek ways to improve and build on what we have now achieved and welcome the insight of others to help us get there.