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Mission & Objectives

To lay a strong scientific and translational foundation on which sound clinical judgment and management can be built.
To stimulate our students to undertake research and be life-long learners.
Broad Objectives:
To facilitate and integrate learning so as to provide the undergraduate student with a comprehensive knowledge of the nature, causes and mechanisms underlying morphological alterations and functional abnormalities in common disorders in clinical practice, with emphasis on their natural history, clinicopathological correlation, laboratory investigations, diagnosis and prognosis.

Specific Learning Objectives:
At the end of the Pathology course, the student should be able to:

Comprehend the pathophysiological processes which regulate the maintenance of body homeostasis, mechanisms of their disturbance, and the resultant clinicopathological manifestations;
Recognize the interrelationship between cellular and molecular biology, and the principles, rationale and role of molecular techniques in the diagnosis and management of relevant clinical conditions;
Describe the structure and ultrastructure of a sick cell, mechanism of cell degeneration, repair, and cell death, and be able to correlate structural and functional alterations with clinical signs and symptoms;
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of normal and altered morphology (both gross and microscopical) of body organ systems in common diseases, and the ability to correlate the natural history of disease process with the clinical manifestations and prognosis;
Rationally plan a sequence of laboratory investigations, based on critical review and interpretation of a patient’s history and physical findings, and demonstrate the ability for proper interpretation of routine test results that may assist in the diagnosis and management;
Identify the etiological factors and mechanisms involved in un-natural causes of death, and explain the role of the forensic pathologist in the evaluation of such cases in the context of the principles and practice of forensic jurisprudence in Kuwait;
Recognize the significance of a partial or complete autopsy in enhancing comprehension of the causes and effects of disease process, and in the application of such knowledge towards a more precise and accurate diagnosis in future clinical practice;
Establish a meaningful communication with laboratory physicians technicians and the practicing clinicians for the planning and organization of laboratory services such as hematology, clinical chemistry, cytopathology and histopathology, with a view to enhancing the scope and quality of diagnostic laboratory services, and promoting multiprofessional education and research.