أدوات الوصول

هل تواجه أي صعوبات داخل الموقع؟

تواصل معنا

Missions & Objective


To provide medical students with knowledge and skills necessary to define, understand and address bio psychosocial determinants of health and disease at individual and population level, thus preparing the graduating physicians to act as holistic primary health care practitioners, as investigative researchers in health related issues, as key partners in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, and as informed users of the medical literature


Learning Objectives:
  • At the completion of the course in Community Medicine and Behavioral Sciences the graduating students shall be able to satisfy the following cognitive and competency based objectives.


Cognitive Objectives:

  • Understand the concepts, measures and distribution of health and disease in human populations

  • Be familiar with the principles of control and prevention of the most prevalent health problems of communities

  • Know the primary epidemiologic study designs, their uses, and their limitations, including potential sources of erroneous inferences.

  • Understand the basic structures and processes of the health care system in Kuwait and elsewhere, and elements of health administration and management

  • Be familiar with the behavioral, demographic, ecological, economic, cultural and psychosocial determinants of health and disease

Competency Objectives:

  • Address a public health problem by designing and conducting a field investigation, suggesting adequate measures, and preparing results for oral and written presentation

  • Propose plans and means for behavioral changes towards optimal health

  • Communicate effectively and appropriately with the patient and his/her family

  • Use quantitative concepts and computer technology for analysis and interpretation of health-related data